Essential core of Osho’s Teaching

Witnessing is concerned with the body, the second with the mind, the third with the heart. And when you become capable of watching the third too, the fourth happens on its own accord. Suddenly a quantum leap and you are standing exactly at the very center of your being, where there is nothing to be aware of. Awareness is aware of itself, Consciousness is conscious of itself.

– Osho

Intrinsic value ~ Osho

“As it is, the world has trapped you in a miserable pattern: What you are doing is not good because you love it, because you do it perfectly, but because the world recognizes it, rewards it, gives you gold medals, Nobel prizes. They have taken away the whole intrinsic value of creativity and destroyed millions of people.”


Hate ~ Osho

Hate exists in the past and the future. You cannot hate in the present – Try, and you will be utterly impotent. Try it today: sit silently and hate somebody in the present, with no reference to the past or the future… You cannot do it. It cannot be done; in the very nature of things it is impossible.

– Osho